I spent a lot of my life seeking God for my purpose. The more I sought Him to understand, the more I learned I was not who I thought I was. I was raised in the church. I lived a pretty safe life mostly in alignment with the word of God. I believed in God. I believed Jesus Christ was the Son of God, but I realized I was not fully surrendered to Him as the Lord of my life. However, when I decided that I would do whatever He said even if I didn't understand, I would believe whatever He said even when it didn't make sense, and I made the Word of God the ultimate authority in all of my decision-making, my life was radically changed. Not only on the inside, but He changed my relationships, church family, job, living situation and financial situation. I've been washed over and sanctified by the Word of God and He has set me apart for His good use. Literally everything I am involved in today is centered around building God's Kingdom. My desire is to inspire others to do the same. ​​
​2 Timothy 2:21-22
"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable,
he will be a vessel
for honorable use,
set apart as holy,
useful to the master of the house,
ready for every good work.
So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness,
and peace,
along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart."